Tanzania coffee in the Mount Kilimanjaro background

The Tanzania Coffee Culture:

Tanzania has a long and storied history with coffee, dating back to the late 19th century. Coffee was first introduced to the country by German colonizers who saw the potential for cultivating the crop in the fertile volcanic soils of the Kilimanjaro and Arusha regions. The Germans established large coffee estates, known as “kiliki” in Swahili, which laid the foundation for Tanzania’s coffee industry.

Today, coffee is primarily grown by small-scale farmers who tend to small plots of land nestled within the lush landscapes of the country. These farmers, often working in cooperatives, employ traditional farming methods, including hand-picking the ripe coffee cherries and sun-drying them on raised beds. By preserving these age-old practices, Tanzanian coffee retains its distinct flavors and authenticity. (Midia News Digital: (https://midianewsdigital.com/exploring-the-rich-coffee-culture-of-tanzania/))

Our Tanzania Single-Origin coffee has notes of jasmine, pear, and strawberry:

Tanzania landscape with elephants
People gathering and drinking coffee on the street in Tanzania, Africa

Walking in the streets in Tanzania's commercial capital Dar es Salaam's suburbs, one is likely to see people seated under shades of trees drinking coffee at selected locations.

Coffee drinking joints located under trees along streets have become a culture practiced in the East African nation's cities and regional headquarters with Dar es Salaam leading with many such joints.